Tim and
PJ sent me an image of the Yahoo sign in Sunnyvale, California they found on the web.

This is the first time I'm including a negative signage image from the web, rather than one that was personally submitted. In all likelihood, it will be the last web image I post here.
Since this is Valentine's Day, I'll give you a little insight into what I find romantic. I don't think romantic comedies are all that romantic. I don't think flowers are inherently romantic, or chocolates, or holidays that say it's time to be romantic.
For me, romance comes down to moments in time. These kinds of romantic moments can be sexy, non-sexy, solitary, with another person, or in a group of people. You can try adding alcohol, moody lighting or good music to trigger them, but there is no certainty of their occurrence.
This concept of romance I am talking about is much broader than the stereotypical one people bandy about on Valentine's Day. It's a joy of being alive, of being connected -- it's something sensual, and something deeply personal.
I don't know when these romantic moments will happen. In fact, they can happen quite unexpectedly.
I think of this blog as kind of romantic, for lack of a better word. I have chosen a largely black template, where the pictures taken can glow, as if at night.
The purpose and the process of this blog is also romantic to me. I like the idea of roaming the streets at night, taking pictures. I like the idea that potentially other people are wandering their own streets as well, connected to me with a singular (though perhaps a little silly) purpose.
I don't know. It all just sounds romantic to me.
Happy Valentine's Day.